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hey guys i ended up getting covid today, tested positive. i am INCREDIBLY bummed
i have to cancel: salt lake, seattle, calgary and portland. refunds will automatically be applied for everyone on those dates and i’ll be back as soon as i possibly can. i am double vaxxed, and i was being incredibly careful throughout the tour to stay healthy. i’m really sorry guys i didn’t want this to happen ????. i am going to wait in a hotel untill i test positive but as of right now san fran, LA, phoenix are still on as long i test negative around that time
anybody got any crazy fire remedies ??"
If You Purchased Online
We will automatically refund your tickets, with the money going back into the account used to purchase. Refunds will be finalized by Wednesday (11/13) at which point will be up to your financial institution to process back into your account. This can take up to 7 business days to process. Please reply with any questions you might have about this process.
If you purchased at Graywhale
Please return to the store you purchased from for a refund.
- Twitter: @ComplexSLC
- Instagram: @ComplexSLC
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